class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Remote Sensing and
Geographical Information System ] .subtitle[ ## ️🌏️
Introduction and Course Handout ] .author[ ###
Dr. Ankit Deshmukh
] .institute[ ### Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar ] .date[ ### 16 Aug 2022 ] --- class: center middle inverse
# .white[“How did it get so late so soon?” <br /> .f3[~ Dr. Seuss ~]]
--- # Welcome to Geospatial Techniques (20CV214T) .f3.purple[Hi, I am .b[Dr. Ankit Deshmukh!]] -- - Specialized in Hydrology and water resource engineering. - My PhD in “Vulnerability estimation of catchment to climate change” from IIT Hyderabad. - Interests: Data analysis, hydrology, climate change, creative, coding, and music. - Languages: R, Python, MatLab. (also English & Hindi) -- <br /> <br /> <div class="boxed" style="--width-var: 600px;">[Contact] .b[Email:] <a href=""></a><br /> .b[Office:] D-Block Cubical C-8 (in Office hours) </div> .footnote[ []( | [
anix7n]( | [
anixn]( ] --- # Timetable <img src="images/Timetable.png" width="1267" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> **Office Hours:** Thursday and Friday at 12:00 to 13:00. --- # Academic calendar 2022-23 (Even semester) <img src="images/Acad Calendar.png" width="55%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Outcome Based Education .pull-left[ ### COURSE OUTCOMES On completion of the course, student will be able to **CO1** –[Understand] the basic concept of Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. **CO2** –[Classify] the advance instrument techniques (GPS and UAV) in surveying. **CO3** –[Analyse] a data using a spatial analysis techniques **CO4** –[Illustrate] the application of RS and GIS in decision making activities **CO5** –[Appraise] the use of advance software techniques for map making activities. **CO6** –[Create] an art of map making activities. ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/Blooms-hierarchy.png" class="w-100 br4 dib center"> .footnote[] ] --- # Teaching Scheme & Objectives <img src="images/Scheme.jpg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> **Course Objective:** - To understand the fundamental of RS and Image processing. - To understand the fundamentals of GIS and Processes. - To understand the utilization of GPS and UAV for engineering mapping - To learn the complex engineering application using Geospatial Techniques --- # Syllabus .f2.light-red[| 52 Hour] #### UNIT-1: REMOTE SENSING (10 Hours) Basic principles of remote sensing- Electromagnetic energy and spectrum- Spectral characteristics,-Laws of radiation-Interaction with atmosphere and surface- Data and image interpretation- Sensors and platforms- Visible and infrared sensors- IR and MW sensors- Resolutions- visual image analysis and processing- Supervised and unsupervised classifications- LIDAR remote sensing- Passive and active microwave remote sensing- Hyper spectral remote sensing- Improving the utilization of remote sensing data- Emerging issues UAV and Drone techniques #### UNIT-2: GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (12 Hours) Introduction - History of GIS- Basic GIS concepts- Representation of earth features- Map basics- Map projections- Raster and vector data models- representation of GIS- GIS data sources- Map and models- Methods of vector and raster inputs- Remote sensing inputs- Surveys and GPS inputs- Field surveys- Data storage and editing- Errors and corrections of errors. #### UNIT-3: SPATIAL ANALYSIS TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES (10 Hours) Spatial analysis- Location and identifying spatial objects- Measurements- Surface mapping- Nontopographical surfaces- Terrain analysis- Spatial arrangements- Map overlays- Cartographic modelling- Types of cartographic models- GIS design and applications- Decision support tools for engineers Spatial and Attribute Data Modelling --- # Syllabus .f2.light-red[| 52 Hour] #### UNIT 4 CASE STUDY AND APPLICATION (10 Hours) Software tools- ERDAS- ENVI- Q-GIS and ARC GIS- Application and case studies of a RS and GIS techniques in Infrastructure management- Environmental Engineering- Transportation Engineering-Disaster management. Indian Satellite Missions-Chnadrayaan- 1and 2- NISAR- Vedas- Mars orbiter Mission-ASTROSAT-Gaganyaan-RISAT-1A-Aditya-L1-Shukrayaan-1 --- # Text/Reference books 1. Thomas M. Lillesand, Ralph W. Kiefer, Remote sensing and image interpretation 2. Haywood L, Cornelius S and S Carver (1988) An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, Addison Wiley Longmont, New York. 3. Burrough PA, McDonnell PA (2000) Principles of Geographical Information systems, London: Oxford University Press. 4. LoCP, Young KW Albert (2002) Concepts And Techniques of Geographic Information Systems, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt ltd, New Delhi --- class: center inverse middle .co-warn[.gold.f1[REMOTE SENSING]] --- # Is Greenland larger than Australia? <img src="Images/Worldmap.jpg" width="65%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[Image source:] --- # Is Greenland larger than Australia? .pull-left[ <img src="Images/G-A.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- .pull-right[ .f2[Considering the land area, Australia (7,741,220 km<sup>2</sup>) is **almost four times** bigger than Greenland (2,166,086 <sup>2</sup>).] ] .footnote[Source:] --- # Importance of maps
--- # Map helps us to identify the relative position of different features. <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="images/OldMap.jpg" alt="Frederik De Wit’s 1654 Dutch Sea Atlas. Image courtesy of the Harvard Map Collection" width="550" /> <p class="caption">Frederik De Wit’s 1654 Dutch Sea Atlas. Image courtesy of the Harvard Map Collection</p> </div> -- .light-red[.f4[To identify features we need a suitable *co-ordinate reference system (CRS)*]] --- # Shape of the earth is not a perfect sphere! <img src="images/Geoid.gif" width="55%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- It's a .b[.red[Geoid]], this is defined as the equipotential surface that most closely corresponds to mean sea level (pear-shaped). --- # An approximate shape of the earth <img src="images/Elliposide.gif" width="700" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - A Reference Ellipsoid is a mathematically defined surface that approximates the Geoid. - The most popular reference ellipsoid is **WGS 1984**. .footnote[Source:] --- # Projections are used to transform 3D spherical surface to 2D on a plane <img src="images/ProjectionSys.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- It is impossible to represent a 3D object on a single 2D map without losing information. --- # Which map is correct? <img src="images/USmap.jpg" width="860" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[Source: ] --- # Introduction - RS, GIS, and GPS .pull-left[ <br /> <br />
] .pull-right[ **Remote sensing: ** The process of detecting and monitoring the physical characteristics of an area by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation at a distance [Source: USGS]( -- **A Geographic Information System (GIS):** A computer system that analyzes and displays geographically referenced information. It uses data that is attached to a unique location [Source: USGS]( -- **The Global Positioning System (GPS):** A space-based radionavigation system, owned by the U.S. Government and operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) [Source:]( ] --- # Applications of Geospatial Analysis/GIS .pull-left[ 1. Agriculture - Drought - Pest control - Land and Soil analysis - Planning of future food demand 2. Urban and Town Planning. 3. Oil Spill 4. Disaster Management 5. Mapping and Navigation - Google Maps - Open street maps [OSM] 6. Deforestation and Vegetation Management ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/GS-App.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .footnote[Image Source: &] --- # Deforestation assessment <img src="images/Deforestation.gif" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Satellite imagery from Google Earth Engine’s Timelapse platform shows deforestation progressing on the Brazilian side of Brazil/Bolivia border from 1984 to 2016. --- # Land cover change - Urbanization <img src="images/Urbanization.gif" width="65%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> In the last two decades, India has urbanized at an unprecedented rate. This image shows the growth of Bangalore between 1990 and 2015. --- class: inverse middle center # .gold[Thank you!<br />Questions?]